DEI Consulting

Need insight or guidance developing your organization’s DEI strategy? Or, are you looking for greater understanding about the changing societal dynamics and how they impact the workplace? Contact NADEIM for professional consulting services to help you and your organization navigate the complexity of creating and sustaining an inclusive workforce.

Our Consulting Services

Survey and Assessment

Survey and Assessment

DEI feedback is sensitive information. Let us help you administer affordable, confidential and professional surveys and assessments (includes analysis and summary report).

DEI Culture Building

DEI Culture Building

Build a more inclusive organizational culture that values diversity or promotes respect, teamwork and collaboration.

DEI Training

DEI Training

Provide employees with a baseline understanding of diversity equity and inclusion topics in engaging and non-threatening ways.

Leadership Development and Coaching

Leadership Development and Coaching

Our credentialed leadership coaches will work with you and/or your executive teams to build leadership competencies and lead DEI strategy and change.

Talent Management Processes

Talent Management Processes

Integrating DEI requires enterprise level updates career paths, leadership and employee performance evaluations and employee training and development. Let us help you navigate, build and update your talent management processes to align with your new DEI strategy.

HR Processes

HR Processes

From hiring to EEO, our consultants can help you strike the right balance with your DEI strategy to ensure you are creating opportunities for inclusion in your hiring practices while also ensuring you are compliant with EEO laws.